Last updated: 9 October 2015
In this page are described the managements procedures in respect of processing of personal data of consulting users.
It is an information given in accordance of Art 13 of D.Lgs. no. 196/2003 – Data protection code for who interacts with web services from the central internet address:
The information is given only for this website and not for any other website eventually reached through a link.
The information is also inspired by the Recommendation no. 2/2001 that European authority for data protection, unified in the Group established by the Art. 29 of directive no. 95/46/CE, adopted on the 17 May 2001 to identify minimum requirements for online personal data collection and in particular the mode, times and nature of information that the holder of the processing must provide to users connecting to web pages, regardless the reasons of the connection.
The Recommendation and a summary description of its purpose are reported in other pages of this website.
Following a consultation of this website, data related to identified or identifiable individuals can be processed.
The holder of their processing is:
Paolo Nutile
Contrada Cerreto 9
83030 Lapio (AV)
+39 (0)825 982227
Processing related to web services of this website take place on the aforementioned address and are only treated by technical personnel of the instructed Office, or by instructed maintenance operatives.
No data coming from our web service is shared or released.
Browsing data
It systems and software procedures proposed for this website acquire, as part of their standard exercise, some personal data which transmission is implied in the protocols of Internet communication.
This information are not gathered to be associated with identified individuals, but given their nature they could be used, through calculations and associations with data hold by third parties, to identify users.
This category includes IP address or Domain names of the computers used to access this website, URI addresses of requested resources, the time of the request, the mode used to submit the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained, the number code indicating the answer status (success, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operative system and the IT environment of the user.
This data is only used to obtain anonymous statistics information for the website usage and to control its proper functioning and it is erased immediately after the calculation. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the website: except from this eventuality, data on web contacts don’t persist for more than seven days at present.
Data provided willingly by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary deployment to the email addresses indicated on this website means the following acquisition of the email address of the sender, necessary to answer their requests, together with any other personal data included in the missive.
Specific aggregated information will progressively reported or visualized in pages of the website created for particular request services.
This website utilizes technical and third parties cookies; it doesn’t use profiling cookies.
Cookies are a small text file that is placed on your computer, tablet or mobile phone when you access our websites, to be then reread when you visit another web page.
Detailed information on what cookies are, their risks and how to manage them can be found on your browser or on the Data Protection Authority website.
On this site in particular, cookies can be used to:
- allow users to execute the access to restricted sections of the website (if they have access) avoiding the need of asking their username and password every time;
- remember user preferences;
- gather anonymous information on visited pages and how the user reached the website, so to gather useful information to improve the management and presentation of the website contents (for this end we use the Google Analytics service);
- offer third party services.
The installation of third party cookies is reuested to the user’s browser only by pages that contains a specific external service. For example a page that contains a YouTube video might request the user’s browser to install a YouTube cookie.
Third party cookies could use information on the pages you visit to present you contents or advertisements related to them.
For information on third party services cookies from any page, see the cookie policy from the supplier of said services, which name is always present next to the embedded element.
Some cookies, named session cookies, will be deleted on browser’s closing.
Other cookies, named persistent cookies, will remain until the user decides to erase them from his browser.
According to current legislation, this website is not required to seek consent for technical and analysis cookies, as these are necessary to provide the requested services.
For all type of cookies, the user can express his consent with one or more of the following ways:
- by modifying the browser preferences for accessing the pages included in the website;
- by modifying the settings for third party services.
Followings are the links for the cookie management instructions for most common browsers:
- Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Safari
- Safari iOS (for mobile devices)
- Opera
- Xoom (for Android and Motorola smartphones)
Following is a list of links for cookies management and information for the most used services on this website:
This page is visible, through a link below in any page of this website, following the Art. 122 second comma of D.Lgs 196/2003 and following the simplified modes for information and consent for use of cookies published on the Official Gazette no. 126 of the 3 June 2014 and on the related measures register no. 229 of the 8 ay 2014.
Apart from what was specified on browsing data, the user is free to disclose the personal data indicated in the request modules or in the contacts to request deployment of information material or other communications.
Failed disclosure of these can prevent the user to obtain what has been requested.
For reasons of completeness we remind that in some cases (not subject to the day-to-day management of this website) the Authority can request news and information according to the Art. 157 of D.Lgs no. 196/2003, for the purpose of controlling the personal data processing. In these cases answering is compulsory under penalty of a fine.
Personal data is treated with automatic instruments for the time strictly needed to achieve the purposes for which it was gathered.
Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.
Subjects whose personal data refers to have the right to confirm the existence of said data in any moment and to know their content and origin, verify their accuracy or request their integration or update, or their correction (Art. 7 of D.Lgs no. 196/2003).
According to the same article, users have the right to request anonymously cancellation, transformation or blocking of processed data that violates law, as well as oppose in any case, for legit reasons, to their processing.
All requests must be address to the Processing Holder Paolo Nutile.